Tuesday, June 14, 2011


One thing that some people probably forget is that food comes from flowers. It might not seem like it.  And the garden is so green. I WANT COLOR! 

Oh, hi color. 

Do you see how that itty bitty squash is growing? I think it's really cool. They grow in a few steps. First they flower. A lot of times the flower doesn't last because little bugs eat them. Squash beetles are little flower demons. 

After they flower these little guys pop up. They start to grow super fast. Like, these babies will be ready to eat tomorrow. They grow until the flower is dead. When it falls off the squash is ready to eat, no matter how small they are! In fact, lots of people think that the bigger the squash the better. Believe it or not, small squash is unbelievable. It's tender and the skin is soft. It's a great experience. 

The sunflowers are huge! Although they are beautiful, they are a little too big. Remember the little beans that were growing under them? I thought the sunflowers would be good to shade them. Well, I thought wrong. 

Beans grow a little more slow than sunflowers, apparently. The beans are so puny I am not even posting them. I'm going to replant some seeds behind the flowers instead of in between the two rows. On the bright side, bush beans are doing ok(ish). My cat, Mieko, decided to eat/play with the first one of the harvest. 

 To continue the flower series, look at that puny flower below that huge green thing. That flower sure looks dead. But wait -- what is that green thing? Holy tomato. This guy is a beaut. 

The eggplant has pretty purple flowers, but I forgot to take a picture of them. 

Oh, here are the first squash of the season! Well, that Mieko didn't get to. I put them in a quick lunch thing for lunch. I'll have more on quick squash ideas later. 

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