Duck Fat
43 Middle St.
Portland, ME
One time my family went to San Francisco for Thanksgiving. My mom and her husband ran into a restaurant and grabbed a bird, came back to the car, and handed my sisters and me forks. Already suspicious of the crazy idea of eating Thanksgiving in the car, we were kind of confused when the turkey didn't taste like turkey.
Needless to say, the turkey was not turkey. It was an entire duck, neck and everything still intact. This was my first experience with duck and it scared me so much that I didn't go back.
I spent last summer raising ducks at a summer camp near Asheville. We had sixteen of them, cute and fuzzy, we got them when they were only a day or two old. They grew up quickly, loosing their down and growing beautiful water-resistant feathers. Similar to mallards, these ducks were heavier so they couldn't fly at all. We kept them in a coop next to the chickens and hens at night. When we let them out in the morning, they all went their separate ways, the roosters scaring the ducks away to the creek.